Books, Books, Books

I’m double dipping in today’s very nerdy, book post. Today’s Blogtember prompt was about books and I needed to do my post for the Books ‘n’ Bloggers Swap so I am combining them!


My partner for the CG Swap was Amber who does a YouTube Vlog instead of a traditional blog. Props to her because there is no way you all would want to look at my hot mess self when I am blogging!


She sent me The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert from my wish list. Anne of Green Gables and The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North. I have read Anne of Green Gables before but not since high school and I definitely want to read it again since Netflix is producing a new series. I can honestly say I have never heard of the last book but it’s got great reviews and I am really excited to read it.

I also got a cute stuffed owl, some owl page notes and a bookmark. Great job by Amber since I LOVE owls. They are all over the house. So much so that when my husband saw a new stuffed owl come out of the box he groaned. #sorrynotsorry Also Amber did a great job wrapping each book with little notes, but I got excited and ripped them all open before I took the photo. Oops.

Head over to see what I sent Amber too! I got all three of her books from my local used book store. I love buying used books. I prefer to think of them as previously loved!



Monday, Sept. 12: Three books! One you just read, one you’re currently reading, and one you want to read.


The book I just read was Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand. I inhaled this book while I was at the beach over the weekend. Her books are just perfect for beach reading in my opinion and I really enjoyed this one.

I am currently reading C is for Corpse by Sue Grafton. I have been going through the alphabet series again. I read A-J a while ago but never kept it up. This time I am going to get all the way through. Kinsey Milhone is my spirit animal with all her snark and attitude.

The one I want to read is actually three. The three I got from Amber above. I will probably start with the Elizabeth Gilbert book because she is my fav. But I will get through all three very soon.

So here are all my bookish things for the week. Gotta go read!

What books have you read lately? What is on your must-read list?

6 thoughts on “Books, Books, Books

  1. Megan @ bookslayerReads

    OMG – I love the stuffed owl!! And the owl page markers. (I just love owls, in general! Lol) Looks like you got a great package!! I had a lot of fun with this swap (my first ever book swap) so I’ll definitely be participating again in future swaps. 🙂


  2. Amber

    I’m glad you liked your package!

    I had totally blanked on telling you which was which. Anne, is a book I read and loved. And the 15 lives one is the one I wanted to read and thought you’d like also. 🙂
    And I didn’t realize Netflix was taking on Anne, which scares me, haha.


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